While I am posting a discussion question, rather than media, for this week, I feel as though this song portrays my larger question. How do you the ideas portrayed in this song differ from the concepts raised in the Ford paper?
Here is a link to the lyrics:
Do we think there is some truth to the idea that pointing out differences and embracing them rather than pretending that they don't exist would encourage more cooperation and unity among everyone? If so, do we see value in people like Jay Leno and the comments that they make?
Yes, I do think that there is some truth to the idea that pointing out differences and embracing them could increase cultural awareness and respect of one's own culture and others. However, I feel like the song is saying it's ok to be "racist." While we think of racism as a negative quality, could we use it to embrace each others' cultures in a positive light? I feel like the song wasn't necessarily thinking of everyone being racist in this potentially positive way, rather they are promoting acceptance of negative racism.