“The principal forms of our physical and social environment are fixed in representations…and we ourselves are fashioned in relation to them.” - Serge Moscovici

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who's going to call the play?

In the 2005 New Jersey vs New York Annual High School Football All-Star Game, my best friend and Stanford teammate Nick Macaluso discovers race in America...

Nick was the only white athlete on an entire all-star team of black athletes. He admitted feeling a little intimidated by all the talent and athleticism around him. With little time or preparation, the coach still needed to select the starting Middle Linebacker (the Quarterback of the defense) before the game. The coach approached the group of athletes and said: "Ok well I gotta pick someone to call the plays". The coach scanned a room filled with amazing black high school players but saw Nick and was instantly convinced. "Hey you!" he said to Nick and smiled heavily. Nick was selected as the starting Middle Linebacker and given the honor/responsibility or calling the plays in the huddle.

Along the same line as Devos & Banaji, people may explicitly say or expect one result but nearly always implicitly return to a stereotype/norm/default. In the case of Nick and in the eyes of his coach, the Black players may have all been deemed worthy of the same opportunity but only a White MLB from Middleton, New Jersey could be "smart and responsible enough" to call the plays ... Interesting. Aside from "American", White and Blacks fall into defaults across several fields of athletics, education systems and professions. (sorry for the classic dichotomy)

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