Elam's "We Wear the Mask" explores the ways in which individuals perform race, use race as a device, and at times even "change" their race due to past experiences and hardships. Elam's paragraphs on Eminem and the film Bamboozled both present two white men who attempt to fulfill some part of the identity characteristics often associated with black people - the rap artist. And I chose this picture because I have also been perplexed over the use of the "N" word in rap music, and how even though Eminem is "hard" enough due to his trailer park background to be considered "real" by other black rappers, core aspects of rap culture are unavailable to him as a white man like the use of the "N" word. The comment under the photo is basically calling black people the "N" word, but it's not intended to be derogatory towards blacks, but towards the white men attempting to perform blackness - men like Eminem. This picture emphasizes for me how the word "wigger" seems to be innocuous if it's used to make fun of white people and is a well-known name for a type of white performer of blackness. Well if these performers of race have a name in our cultural vernacular, there must be a lot of them. Why do they exist? What motivates people to perform a certain race?
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