“The principal forms of our physical and social environment are fixed in representations…and we ourselves are fashioned in relation to them.” - Serge Moscovici

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"I Can Be" Barbie Dolls - Smart and Sexy?

Hi everyone! I'm linking to a post a wrote about a year ago on "Computer Engineer Barbie" here:


Also, Good (another great blog) has a story on "Architect Barbie" here:


You can see my opinion in the first post, but I'd like to see what you all think of the dolls. Are they good representations or not?

1 comment:

  1. Quick note here- I think these Barbies are great, actually. Some little girls do want to be architects or even computer engineers but, before these Barbies, they didn't really see these possibilities emulated by their toys. Now, instead of limiting a child's ideas of possible career paths, she's encouraging and even expanding them.
