“The principal forms of our physical and social environment are fixed in representations…and we ourselves are fashioned in relation to them.” - Serge Moscovici

Monday, April 25, 2011

Primetime Prejudice - Muslims on "24"

Below is a conversation between a spokesperson for an American Muslim organization, CARE, and Bill O'Reilly on the depiction of Muslims in "24".

I know that since then, Fox aired disclaimers about the presentation of Muslims on the show and the distinctions that should be made between terrorists and everyday Muslim Americans.

I'm not actually a Muslim but I've found myself getting lumped into this weird Muslim/Arab/Persian/Turkish "Middle Eastern" category of people that has emerged in US entertainment. And I do think that the lack of any 'normal' depictions of people that have links from that region is a growing problem. By 'normal' I mean as a person that is American first and Muslim/Middle Eastern/whatever second; interacting with another character without any mention of their religion, even passing by in the background. More often, the fact that these characters are "Middle Eastern" is drawn attention to. The depictions are highly stereotypical, simultaneously trying to "educate" Americans about apparently universal Muslim characteristics and emphasizing the fact that there will always be a difference between the viewer and them.

On one hand I see why, but on the other I think this is a very dangerous approach when this is all non-Muslim Americans see of that category of people.

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