“The principal forms of our physical and social environment are fixed in representations…and we ourselves are fashioned in relation to them.” - Serge Moscovici

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Default American - MIchael Scott

Michael Scott from The Office seems like kind of an obvious candidate for talking about the Default American - several episodes deal with race, racism and Michael's bizarre interpretations of them - but I thought this video was particularly relevant. In it, Michael and Dwight make a video called "Lazy Scranton" in which they rap about the town they live in, Scranton, for new members of their office. We've talked about performing race, and it seems here like Michael and Dwight performing whiteness while TRYING to perform blackness. What does it say about them?


1 comment:

  1. Another fun example from the office here. Michael being extremely racist while trying to be the opposite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YI7Q0ZGvIc&feature=related
